第139章 卷1

马龙探案卷五 之 盛怒的审判 一


THE LONG, dark corridor of the Jackson County A Courthouse was as still as a grave, and almost as airless.Along the edges of the high ceiling, the shadows gathered into darkness, smoky and impenetrable; in the vast space below there was only a strange, murky half-light, more blue than gray, a light that seemed to be of its own making.Outside the great double doors it was blazing noon, but in this corridor it was dusk.


Even on that day, the hottest of the summer, there was a faint and unfortable chill in the motionless air.


Harvey Button, the janitor, paused in the act of picking up an infinitesimal scrap of wastepaper from the tile floor, and stood listening, almost as though he hoped to hear some reassuring sound.


Later, of course, he claimed to have had a premonition. It had, he said, wakened with him early in the morning. Not exactly a premonition, either, but a kind of vaguely unpleasant feeling. Yes, it could have been the weather, or even the last night’s beer, but, he pointed out triumphantly, it was something much more fateful.


One of the massive doors suddenly swung open, and the blast of sunlight made him blink. A rush of hot air came in with it as though from a furnace. Above the trees outside he could see a great dark streak in the sky, beginning to blot out the blazing glare. Every leaf on every tree was perfectly motionless.


“要下雨了,” 哈维?巴顿友好地对刚进来的那对夫妇说。他猛地把门关上。

“Going to storm,” Harvey Button said amiably to the couple who had just e in. He slammed the door shut.

“不管怎样,这里很凉快,” 男人说,擦着额头。

“Cool in here, anyway,” the man said, mopping his brow.


The little janitor looked at them curiously. The man was tall, red-haired, and very thin; his perspiring face was a mass of tiny freckles. The girl with him was, Harvey said later, a whooperdoo.


Even on this day of almost incredible heat, she appeared cool. Every strand of shining ash-blonde hair was exquisitely in place, her pale, delicate, patrician face was made up to perfection. Harvey Button knew nothing of dress designers and Michigan Avenue shops, but he enjoyed looking at the lines of her perfectly plain gray linen suit.


“Where the hell is the county clerk?” the girl asked pleasantly.


“You mean, where’s the county clerk,” her panion said severely. “You’re in a respectable munity now.”


Harvey Button grinned. “Who the hell wants to know where the county clerk is?”

“你一下子就明白了,” 女孩笑着回应道。

“You get the idea right away,” the girl said, grinning back at him.

“他在楼上的法庭里,” 小个子清洁工告诉她,“今天有县委员会会议。” 从他的语气听起来,仿佛是在谈论一场天使们的聚会。“但如果你需要办理结婚证,他的副手可以帮忙处理。”

“He’s upstairs in the courtroom,” the little janitor told her. “Today’s the county board meeting.” He might have been speaking of a convocation of the angels, from the tone of his voice. “But his deputy can take care of you, if you’re looking for a marriage license.”

“我们已经有结婚证了,” 红发男人说道,“这次我们想要一张钓鱼许可证。”


“We’ve already got one of those,” the red-haired man said. “This time we want a fishing license.”

“不过,” 女孩补充说,“如果今天有什么特别优惠的话,我们也许会考虑买今年流行的新款式。”

“Though,” the girl added, “if you have a special on today, we might consider something snappy in a this year’s model.”

哈维·巴顿想了想整个情况。“你们最好去找县书记员的副手,” 最后他说,“沿着走廊走,在左边的第一扇门就是。”

Buttonholes thought the whole thing over for a minute. “You’d better see the county clerk’s deputy,” he said at last. “First door to your left, down the corridor.”


The couple thanked him and went. He was sweeping up a tiny bit of ash from the blonde girl’s cigarette when a heavy tread came from the stairs. The janitor stood aside as forty-two members of the county board poured out through the corridor, then he began to clean up the small litter they had made on the floor.


It was a wonderful courthouse, if only people would keep it neat. He looked around admiringly. Back in 1882, they knew how to build courthouses. Big, paneled doors, high ceilings, fancy tile floors, and elegant millwork everywhere.


He walked to the end of the corridor, opened the door, and glanced out. In these few minutes, the sky had bee entirely dark, immense black clouds pressed down over the trees like a gigantic cover. Not a single breath of air stirred anywhere, every bird in the courthouse square was silent.

“当它来袭时,会是一场大风暴,” 清洁工对周围的人说道。

“She’s going to be a whopper when she hits,” the janitor remarked to the world in general.


He shut the door and switched on the electric light in the cavernous hallway. It didn’t help much.



A tallish, well-dressed woman with short gray hair came hurrying into the courthouse, slamming the door behind her. The janitor nodded to her. “Is Mr. Skindingsrude still here, Buttonholes?”

“在,麦高恩小姐。他在楼上的法庭里。” 过了一会儿,门又开了。小个子清洁工在一个肥胖、红脸、白发的男人后面赶紧把门关上。

“Yep, Miss MacGowan. He’s up in the courthouse.” A moment later the door opened again. The little janitor hurried to close it after a portly, red-faced, white-haired man.


“‘Afternoon, Senator.”


Ex-Senator Peveley nodded gruffly and began puffing up the steep flight of stairs to the second floor. Harvey Button, otherwise known as Buttonholes, sighed wearily, finished sweeping up the last bits of wastepaper and ashes, and deposited them in a metal box on which he had painstakingly lettered:




By the time he had finished, the young couple had returned from the county clerk’s office. Buttonholes grinned widely and opened the door for them. The blonde girl looked at the threatening sky and frowned.


“I’m not sure I want to go out in that.”

“你们开车吗?” 纽扣先生问。

“Are you driving?” Buttonholes asked.


She nodded and pointed to a rakish robin’s-egg-blue convertible parked near the courthouse.